Best of 2023
Published 31. december 2023
- Remnant 2: Since I really liked the first game and the spinoff called Chronos, the sequel was a nobrainer for me. Better in every way, but somehow didn't click for me the way the first one did.
- Baldur's gate 3: I wasn't planning to play this one, but the hype got me and i'm happy for it. Great game.
- Diablo 4: the exact opposite to D3 - i was quite hyped for it, but got absolutely bored half way through it. I forced myself to push through the story just to not feel that bad about the money I spent.
- Horizon Chase 2: as with the first game, we played the living crap out of this game with the kids, occasionally even joined by the wife. Splitscreen + family = fun.
- Tiger and Dragon: another family hit this year. A board game that is easy to learn, has some depth, feels awesome (mahjong tiles!) and works great in two, three, four or even five players.
Movies and Series
- Pantheon & Blue Eye Samurai: very cool animated series for grown ups.
- 1670: what if The Office, but in 17th century Poland?
- Last of Us: an adaptation better than the source material IMO
- Years of Rice and Salt: I like KSR very much and this might have been my favourite book of his so far.
- Akira: I started reading this classic series and so far it's really great. Will continue in 2024.
- Earthseed books
- Neverending Story: the movie is one of my favourites, but the book is so much better. Who knew.
- The Real World of Technology: a must read for anyone thinking about technology and its relation to society and power.
- Godot Game Engine: so much joy to once again program just for the fun of it. And also to really see the result, unlike the "immaterial" server stuff i'm usually doing.
- Garmin instinct 2X: not onlz great for long trail runs, but surprisingly good smart watch too. All the features i need, super lightweight and extremely long battery life.
- Ultra running: I successfully finished a local 112k run (Lazova 100) and a run throughout the Lower Tatras. Some of the best experiences of my life. I'd like to continue this year, repeat the local 100k and maybe another one in a different region.
- Krakow! Never been there before, but now i want to return ASAP.