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Store collections in JSONB field

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PubGrub: Next-Generation Version Solving

Gemfile of dreams

Great commented list of gems the Evil Martians use these days in their Rails projects.

Elixir-style Pipelines in 9 Lines of Ruby

4.2 Gigabytes, or: How to Draw Anything

Andrew shows step-by-step how he used Stable Diffusion model (see the previous post) to iteratively create a nice post-apo 'painting' of Seattle.

Stable Diffusion is a really big deal

Another slice of sci-fi *topia leaking into our timeline.

Get in Zoomer, We're Saving React

Very nice rant, not just about React and/or zoomers.

An Introduction to Ractors in Ruby

An excellent intro and explanation of basic concepts and usage of Ractors.

Sidekiq and Request-Specific Context

DORA Metrics: the Right Answer to measuring engineering team performance

“What metrics should I use to measure my engineering team’s performance?”

Using Sorbet and Tapioca with Rails